Welcome families!
So good to see you here. I'm Heather, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based in Mountain Top, PA.
At my practice, I offer a compassionate and supportive approach to nutrition therapy that focuses on nourishment, self-care, and cultivating a healthier relationship with food and your body.
Whether you're a parent seeking guidance on pediatric nutrition and feeding issues, a young athlete looking to optimize your performance, or an adult striving for a balanced approach to nutrition, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

AM- Student Athlete
My son is a distance runner and worked extremely hard during the summer, we see him every day and never noticed a significant weight loss (8lbs) we just assumed he was slim due to working hard. At the first invitational he collapsed at finish line. Once we determined his collapse was due to poor nutrition and he was flushing his system with water we made and appointment with Heather! She was phenomenal to say least, within a 10 day period of following her dietary recommendations my son PR’d the next race and literally PR’d every race the rest of the season including at the Conference race finishing 10th. Although he fell short of his goal at districts his season was a huge success. We are so happy we went to Heather and I would personally recommend her to any athlete, kids believe they are invincible and can push through a lot as my son did but having your son or daughter collapsing is not something you want to experience. I wish I would have taken my son sooner. Now my son knows how important proper hydration and diet is to the sport he loves. Thanks Heather and see you in the spring for track season 😊

TS - Parent
"My daughter was diagnosed with insulin resistance and we needed some help. I searched our local area and found Heather's name. After reading through her website she seemed like a good fit for what we needed! We just started the process but already I can tell that with Heather's help this will seem like a minor hiccup in life instead of a major disruption! How easy-going and non-invasive the process seems to be. Medical visits always bring about at least a little bit of anxiety; however, Heather put us right at ease. It was like talking to someone you've known for a long time. No stress at all! "

MG- Parent
Our daughter will be having major surgery in the fall. We know that nutrition plays a part in feeling great going into surgery and for the recovery. Heather has helped our whole family be more mindful of eating. Our daughter looks forward to "Ms. Heather Time" when she can bring her hamster and a new and healthy snack to zoom time! Growing up we had family style dinner (passing sides around the table) somehow I didn't do that with my own family which in turn took away the ability for them to choose the healthy sides. I have brought that philosophy back. Heather is relatable. She is a mom and she "gets it." Incredibly warm, fun and knowledgable."

Heather Reymunde Wittmer
Serving NEPA & Beyond
395 Oak Hill Road, Suite 101
Mountain Top PA 18707
© 2021 Heather Reymunde Wittmer